• Communion bread bakers!
  • Easter Sunrise Service
  • St Luke's Lutheran Church
  • Easter Resurrection Worship
  • 150th Anniversary worship celebration (2019)
  • Youth prayer devotion
  • Summer worship outdoors


Welcome to St Luke's

Nestled in the heart of Bear Poplar/Mt Ulla, North Carolina, St. Luke's is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, and ministry to our community. We are here for all who…

  • Need the Bible's message and the Christian faith to come alive, make sense and make a difference in today’s world
  • Appreciate worship that engages the mind and touches the heart
  • Seek to find purpose in life and use their God given gifts
  • Yearn for lasting relationships in genuine Christian community
  • Desire balance in their fast-paced lives, a place of retreat where life slows down and is renewed

Will you come to grow, and worship, and serve with us?  We hope to see you soon!


  • Sunday Worship - 10am

    Worship for March 23, 2025
    We will be remembering the 3rd Sunday in Lent as worship on March 23.  Pastor Robert will be using the 13th Chapter of Luke to teach us about Jesus' parable and the fruit of the fig tree.  We will be reminded about the promises of Jesus for our salvation even when we do not always bear fruit as we should.  If you are unable to join in person, please watch the service at your convenience at the link below.    

    Documents (pdfs) for March 23, 2025:  the Worship Bulletin and the Announcements and Prayer concerns.

    Remember our Spring Blood Drive is this Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  If you would still like to register to give blood, please see the electronic information on the link to this spring's event:  Spring Blood Drive information.

    Live stream video of the service is available here

  • Lenten Meals and Devotions

    We started our Lenten Meals and Devotions on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.  The Finance Committee and Worship & Music Committee provided a variety of soups and chili for our meal last week.  WELCA providing our meal of salads and baked potatoes on March 19.  This Wednesday, March 26, the Christian Education and Social Ministry Committees will provide our meal.  Our devotions will continue to focus on the life of Apostle Peter.  We will then study the life of Paul.  We hope you can join us for these meals and devotions during Lent.

  • Mid-Week Bible Study

    We have moved our study back to Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. after our Upward Sports season ending.  We hope you can join us on Thursdays as we continue studying the books of Paul.  Please bring your favorite translation of the Bible.  We enjoy comparing the different words and discussing how the words change and help with our understanding.  We are currently studying 1 Corinthians.  Pastor Robert leads our discussions.  We have prayers and provide our personal and community concerns.  And we do sometimes go out for lunch after the study.  Hope you can join us on Thursdays!

  • Senior Rockers Update

    We will have our monthly luncheon on Thursday, March 27, at noon, following our Mid-week Bible Study.  Please bring food for sharing.  We will enjoy time eating and visiting!  If you have any ideas for programs, please let Alice Weaver know. 

  • Ladies' Bible Study

    Please join us Thursday, March 27, at 6:00 p.m. for a discussion on the book by Francine Rivers, entitled:  "Unshaken."  This is the story of Ruth.  We will discuss the story in the book and how it aligns to the Bible.  We are meeting at Kay Sheets' home.  If you have any questions or need more details, please call the church office at 704-278-2710.

  • Next Sunday - Hymn Sing (March 30)

    We hope you can join us for worship on March 30 at 10:00 a.m. while we review various reflections from Martin Luther.  We will also have a hymn sing.  Please start thinking about your favorite hymns and help make Sunday's worship a beautiful moment of Words and Song!