Are you new to St Lukes? Planning to visit and wondering what to expect?
"St Luke's" is people
We are pretty normal folks worshipping, serving, learning, praying and joining in fellowship together.
We have a lot of fun, love to eat, and don't take ourselves too seriously. Down to earth, pretty practical, and work hard.
While our setting is a rural congregation, we're only about 15 minutes from both Moorseville and Salisbury, and not much further to Statesville, Kannapolis and Davidson. So while we're surrounded by fields, woods and farms, the people you'll find are a wonderful mix of farmers, students, bankers, teachers, truck factory workers, corporate employees, agricultural researchers, engineers, accountants, small business owners, retirees, little kids and so many more. Some live across the street, some down the road and others just a bit more.
Worship - and More - at St Luke's
While the "first experience" of St Luke's for many folks is our Sunday Worship, we invite you to consder joining us for any of the other many events and activities instead, if you'd rather.
Maybe you'd feel more comfortable at Wed Night Fun and Fellowship, or hearing and discussing something with us at at Wed Night Life and Faith session. Like serving others? There's usually some project going on or coming up where we strive to live out the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) motto "God's Work-Our Hands." We serve God by serving others. And of course there are studies, women's groups, men's groups, music groups, craft groups, sports teams, youth groups, etc.
Those are great ways to get to know folks - and you are welcome to visit, and maybe stay awhile...
Worship Style at St Luke's
Our Sunday service is a mostly traditional service with a few contemporary elements blended in, and is centered in the Word of God, singing, praying, and praising God. Applying faith to our daily lives is an important element in the message. Our primary resource for hymns and liturgies is the book "Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)" - though other sources are mixed in as well.
You'll see most folks wearing casual clothes - though others dress up a bit to honor the day. You're welcome to wear what is comfortable for you.
Children and Worship
Children are important to us and are welcome in worship. We offer a "Word Time/Children's Church" in another room for the younger ones for Bible stories, crafts, and activities that takes place as the sermon is being preached in worship. They all return for the remainder of the service, including communion and prayers. The occasional burst of joy or other sound of life from the youngsters simply reminds us that this worship is for all of us, they are a blessing to us, and they are just as much a part of the worshipping community as we older folks.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is offered at least twice a month and on all festival Sundays. You don't need to be a member of the congregation, or to be a "Lutheran." All who are baptized and believe that Christ is fully present in, with and under the bread and the wine are welcome at the table. We welcome all our brothers and sisters in faith.
Anyone not yet communing, or not yet comfortable with doing so, is welcomed to come forward for a blessing. Communion education is offered for both children and adults so that all may better understand the meaning and power of the this meal that celebrates God's love, Christ's sacrifice, and our invitation into the presence and family of God.
We invite you!
Come, worship, serve and fellowship with us. We pray that you will be spiritually uplifted and strengthened through God’s presence. You are encouraged to join our community of believers as we grow in faith together.