We are called to be witnesses to the Resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. We are called to follow His way. To love God and others, to share the Gospel and to help others grow as disciples.
Discipleship isn't one ministry - it is through and through all the ministries of the church. But there are some ministries specifically dedicated to growing disciples.
Sunday School : Youth and adults gather for study, discussion and activities at 9am on Sunday mornings prior to worship.
1st Sunday All Church Breakfast and Study - On the first Sunday of every month our men's group (with lots of help) hosts a full breakfast for everyone starting at 8:30am, followed by an intergenerational study/discussion time from 9am to 9:45 usually based on one of the That the World May Know videos that explores scripture, history and faith with on-location filming Israel and other lands of the Bible. Littler kids head out to their own standard Sunday School.
Faith Basics: St Luke's offers a 3-year repeating curriculum for youth and adults, new members, the curious, Confirmation (young or old), those that knew it and forgot it - well, EVERYONE. Faith Basics covers the basics - Bible, worship, prayer & faith practices, history such as the Reformation, Luther's Small Catechism, core theology, etc. Each session runs about 90 min, included a light lunch, meets after worship, and is scheduled about every 3-4 months.
Kingdom Kids and SLY (St Luke's Youth): Our two youth ministries both integrate discipleship topics into their time and activities, with age-appropriate devotions and discussions. Our MS and HS youth also engage in service project, retreats, camp and other special events.
GOD's WORK OUR HANDS - 2022 Project - We participated in the ELCA Day of Service through the GOD's Work Our Hands (GWOH) initiative. About 40 members gathered for lunch and service on September18 for our GWOH 2022 service event. Some worked earlier in the week as well, baking and delivering cookies to local first-responder teams. Sunday’s event included tying blankets, but the main activity was a bit of discussion and learning about the need for clean water and the challenges that poses for many here in the US and throughout the world. Our group sponsored and assembled 45 filter kits for the Wine to Water organization that distributes them around the world as well as helps build water collection and distribution systems for communities in need.